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Mindset Metamorphosis

health inspiration mindset shift Aug 22, 2022

Mindset work takes commitment, time & practice & just like strength training, it is a skill.

We are all doing our best to adjust to the world as it is now. We are surrounded by noise, chaos, politics, fears, social unrest & uncertainty. Some have suffered greatly, whilst others have shifted to a new way of living, thinking & being. Sure, the world is different but WE don’t have to be. We can begin the shift toward becoming more, listening to our bodies, learning new things, eliminating habits that aren’t working, doing less & accomplishing more so we can become unstuck & grow stronger & better than before.

Mindset Metamorphosis Strategies!

STOP allowing negative thoughts & fears to create momentum that isn’t working for us.

ALIGN & LAUNCH ourselves forward with the energy of love & joy and see what unfolds.

DO What it Takes to Move Through it and know that you can!

Get to work by integrating the following:

Say No to things & people that don’t bring you joy or fill your tank.

Practice Daily Gratitude. Write down 3 things you are grateful for every day!

Own your feelings. Think your way out of negative thoughts. Let the thoughts come in. Practice appreciating them for what they are & LET THEM GO. Choose another thought.

Be Proactive vs Reactive in your decision making.

Ask for Help. You can’t do it all on your own all the time so learn to recognize when help is needed. Loved ones, friends, coaches, & colleagues don’t know you need them until you ask!

I believe in you. Spread your wings and fly! 

Love & Strength,

Signed, Coach Kerry


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