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Own Your Strength: The Practice of Awareness

awareness kettlebell practice strength training Sep 01, 2022

A·ware·ness: The state or ability to perceive, to feel, or to be conscious of events, objects, or sensory patterns

Something I have learned through my training experience & I proudly teach my students in their strength training practice is awareness. The awareness of their anatomy, how their body moves, how it works & how it should feel. They learn to visualize, tune into their breath, use proper tension techniques & how to use their body as a whole beautiful unit for strength & power. These skills take time to learn & when they finally click, a student will have that “I Can’t Believe I Just Did That!” moment. It is a glorious sight to witness as a Coach.

In the training I teach, we don’t just workout; we train with meaningful purpose. Strength training is a skill & it is a practice in awareness. My students will tell you that they have never experienced training like this & never thought they could be as strong as they have become.

For example, when a student is learning to press a kettlebell, they learn that it is not just about getting the bell overhead; there are a series of events that occur on a neurological level that allow them to connect with their bodies. They learn to connect with the ground, feel muscles engage & to use breath for power & the understanding that a press starts in the feet & travels up to the hand. When we are connected with our bodies during training practice, we focus on nothing else. It is awareness at its finest.

Love & Strength, 
Signed, Coach Kerry


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