The Power is in YOU! health mindset potential strength Sep 10, 2022

I Am a Guide that helps people live healthier, happier, stronger lives & see their true potential through the power of my story.

Every life experience I have been through has lead me to the Here & Now. 

Every path taken
Every struggle
Every fear
Every mistake
Every health crisis
Every heartbreak
Every chance
Every failure
Every achievement
Every connection
Every emotion

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Own Your Strength: The Practice of Awareness awareness kettlebell practice strength training Sep 01, 2022

A·ware·ness: The state or ability to perceive, to feel, or to be conscious of events, objects, or sensory patterns

Something I have learned through my training experience & I proudly teach my students in their strength training practice is awareness. The awareness of their anatomy, how their body moves, how it works & how it should feel. They learn to visualize,...

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The Physical & Spiritual Body body inspiration love spirit strength Aug 29, 2022

As a Coach and trainer of the physical body, I help my students move better, achieve strength & confidence through the power of education & purposeful training. I have been inspired by so many great authors & mentors over the years. I am fascinated with the human body as well as the spiritual body.

Our strong physical musculature gives us the power to navigate the external world...

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