#grip #gripstrength #health #longevity #strength Jul 02, 2023
Our hands are a critical way of how we interact with our environment. It is important to encourage exercises & activities that include our grip to enhance our overall health & longevity.

Grip strength is also vital to our shoulder health. A study has shown “an increased prevalence of rotator cuff weakness is shown proximal to ipsilateral hand injuries or disorders” In other...
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The Optimist Creed #optimist #theoptimistcreed inspiration lifeprinciples Nov 05, 2022

There is so much chaos and distraction in our world today that we often forget to have a positive outlook towards life.  We get bogged down with adulting and responsibilities, distracted by technology, put pressure on ourselves do keep doing and punish ourselves when we have setbacks, fail or are let down. You can either allow them to destroy you or build you into a better and stronger...

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Mindset Alignment Exercise for Developing Personal Power #7habitsofhighlyeffectivepeople #mindset #stephencovey inspiration Oct 24, 2022


The late Stephen Covey, Author of “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” continues to give us some great insights into these behaviors and how they can affect our personal and professional life. This book is over 30 years old and still resonates with me. It is a great resource to visit to get you back on track...

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The Power is in YOU! health mindset potential strength Sep 10, 2022

I Am a Guide that helps people live healthier, happier, stronger lives & see their true potential through the power of my story.

Every life experience I have been through has lead me to the Here & Now. 

Every path taken
Every struggle
Every fear
Every mistake
Every health crisis
Every heartbreak
Every chance
Every failure
Every achievement
Every connection
Every emotion

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Own Your Strength: The Practice of Awareness awareness kettlebell practice strength training Sep 01, 2022

A·ware·ness: The state or ability to perceive, to feel, or to be conscious of events, objects, or sensory patterns

Something I have learned through my training experience & I proudly teach my students in their strength training practice is awareness. The awareness of their anatomy, how their body moves, how it works & how it should feel. They learn to visualize,...

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The Physical & Spiritual Body body inspiration love spirit strength Aug 29, 2022

As a Coach and trainer of the physical body, I help my students move better, achieve strength & confidence through the power of education & purposeful training. I have been inspired by so many great authors & mentors over the years. I am fascinated with the human body as well as the spiritual body.

Our strong physical musculature gives us the power to navigate the external world...

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Mindset Metamorphosis health inspiration mindset shift Aug 22, 2022

Mindset work takes commitment, time & practice & just like strength training, it is a skill.

We are all doing our best to adjust to the world as it is now. We are surrounded by noise, chaos, politics, fears, social unrest & uncertainty. Some have suffered greatly, whilst others have shifted to a new way of living, thinking & being. Sure, the world is different but WE don’t...

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